Character Questionnaire: Tripp
Hey guys! On Tuesday I did a fun little character questionnaire on my main character, Avalon. Now today I did one for the second main character of the story and Avalon's boyfriend, Tripp! These were fun little questionnaires to do that actually proved to be quite helpful! Through doing them, I learned that Avalon is a neat freak and that Tripp likes to collect things. It's pretty cool what you can learn about your characters through questions like these, so I definitely suggest you give this one a go! You can check it out here. Enjoy!
Gotham Character Questionnaire
You might start with questions that
address the basics about a character:
is your character’s name? Does the character have a nickname?
Matthew Owens. Hmmm . . . I’m not sure what kind of nickname could come from
the name Tripp, so no, no nicknames.
is your character’s hair color? Eye color?
hair has actually gone through many changes as the book itself has. In the
beginning drafts he had slightly long, curly dark brown hair. But now Tripp has
a more blondish-brownish color and it’s a teeny bit tousle-y, but not curly.
Actually, I think the only physical trait that has stayed the same for him is
his dark brown eyes.
kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
has slightly sticky-outy ears, but that’s about it.
your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he get
Just like Avalon, Tripp’s skin is completely flawless from head to toe because
of his time in Society.
are your character’s friends and family? Who does she surround herself with?
Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were
closest to?
enjoys the company of people, but he doesn’t really know the people around him
like Avalon does. While Avalon hangs out with Ashton, Sam, Emily, and Cassidy,
Tripp kind of excludes himself. He definitely wishes he was closer to all of
them, though.
was your character born? Where has he lived since then? Where does he call
was born somewhere around present-day New York, I think? I actually have no
idea. But since then he’s lived in a camp near present-day Chicago, Society
(present-day Cincinnati), and a the base camp near present-day Elkhart. Like
Avalon, Tripp doesn’t really know what home is.
does your character go when he’s angry?
he can be alone.
is his biggest fear? Who has he told this to? Who would he never tell this to?
Avalon. Avalon knows she’s important to him and that he loves her, but I don’t think
she fully understands how much he cannot lose her. Tripp would never tell this
to the antagonist of the story (who I will not describe here because reasons).
he have a secret?
While he and Avalon grow apart and she becomes closer with her brother and new friends,
Tripp is sneaking around the camp trying to find proof that he and Avalon can’t
trust these people.
makes your character laugh out loud?
anything sincerely cute or funny Avalon does. Or if Ashton makes a fool of
has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?
like Avalon, both over the course of the book.
dig deeper by asking more unconventional questions:
is in your character’s refrigerator right now? On her bedroom floor? On her
nightstand? In her garbage can?
doesn’t have access to a fridge, but if he did it would be filled with
sandwiches. Tripp’s floor probably has clothes and shoes scattered around, and
his nightstand would be littered with trinkets and things he collected.
at your character’s feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress
shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of
holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his
mostly wears black boots as part of his Informant-in-training uniform. He’s not
very big on finding new clothes or shoes. If he owns a pair of shoes that fit,
he will wear that same pair until they’re too worn out to go any farther.
your character thinks of his childhood kitchen, what smell does she associate
with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for
can’t remember his true childhood kitchen, but the kitchen in his life in
Society probably smelled like lemon soap because his mother really liked lemon
character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for him to throw out?
What is difficult for him to part with? Why?
is a collector, so he would probably throw away trash and that’s it. And by
trash, I literally mean like food wrappers and banana peels and things. Where
Avalon could get rid of everything, Tripp could get rid of next to nothing.
Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he’s eating
breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If she’s stretching out in her backyard to
sun, what kind of blanket or towel does she lie on?
would probably be attempting to sneak into the Lab while wondering where Avalon
is and if she feels just as awful as he does.
is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is
it so powerful and lasting?
strongest memory Tripp has is meeting Avalon when they were little kids. And
the reason this memory is so powerful is something that I cannot say because it
would be a big spoiler!
character is getting ready for a night out. Where is he going? What does he
wear? Who will he be with?
Going out? Pssh. Yeah, no.
And that's Tripp! Hopefully you guys will be able to use these questions to learn more about your own characters.
And that's Tripp! Hopefully you guys will be able to use these questions to learn more about your own characters.